The Right Company to Help You with Your Will
Your bespoke service includes your Will being written by an experienced Barrister.
Why Choose Us
Many people have the impression that will writing is simple and does not require a professional to do it for you. This is a misconception about one of the most important things you will ever do. Do not be the victim of having an invalid will or a will which does not dispose of all your assets due to uncertainty.
We provide the knowledge and professional advice and put into your will only what you decide ensuring that welfare and financial matters are represented the way you want them to be.
I ensure that my clients get the best personal service. This includes ongoing advice where circumstances have changed and personal visits for instruction taking and attestation of wills conducted by me.Personal attestation and instruction taking by the person who is writing your will is a service that many Will writing companies do not provide.

Choosing restful Wills will ensure that you receive a comprehensive professional service of the highest standard.
You will receive a bespoke will making service. Instruction taking will not be time limited and I will personally take your instructions by visiting you, deliver bound document to you and supervise the attestation of the will ensuring it is legally binding.
I am a member of the Institute of Professional Willwriters (IPW) which is an organisation that has a code of conduct and a complaints procedure. This organisation is recognised as a standard bearer for the profession and one which not just anybody can join as all members have to pass an entrance exam.
A written Will should be done according to the law to be valid and attested properly to have legal effect. Both of these key aspects are diligently observed with at this company.Good advice is given to clients in respect of making their will tax efficient so the government does not get tax which could have been avoided.
This is relevant as will writing is an area of law that is not as yet regulated by the government. This provides peace of mind for you.This company has the values of professionalism, honesty, ethical practices and morality.
Prices - Fair for Quality Work

£350 Single Will
Business Clause – £399 per company
Will Trusts – £375
- Property Protection Trust
- Right to Occupy Trust
- Life Interest Trust
- Children/ Disabled/ Vulnerable Person Protection Trust
- Children Protection Trust
- Discretionary Trust
- Nil Rate Band Trust
Lasting Power of Attorney
£250 Lasting Powers of Attorney. Either Health or Financial (application fee not included)
Clients seen outside of Leicester will be charged a fuel disbursement for each visit.